Alcoholism has been a serious problem in Australia, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. Alcohol-related damages in Victoria alone costs $4.3 billion a year. Such damages include road accidents, crimes, and health problems, just to name a few.

Alcohol-related harm is not limited to drinkers but also affects their families and the community. Domestic violence and child abuse are commonly the issues a family suffers from with an alcoholic family member.


Why Do People Use Alcohol?

People engage in alcohol for different social activity, cultural participation, or religious observance. But in a personal level, a person usually drink for creativity, pleasure, relaxation, or to escape or forget their troubles.

Most first-time drinkers use alcohol for curiosity and peer pressure. It is also alarming that under-age drinking is prominent in Australia. White & Hayman 2004 study reveals that by the age of 14, around 90% of students have tried drinking.


Help for Alcoholism Problem

There are quite a lot of drinking problem treatment centers in Asia, which are affordable yet quality alternatives to expensive alcohol rehabs. KAYA Recovery Center for Addiction is an alcoholism treatment center in the Philippines serving clients from all around the world.

KAYA utilizes an effective and evidence-based model, called Unified Treatment Model, which is a rationalized use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Twelve Steps Facilitation, and Schema Therapy. Nutrition, relaxation and fitness are also an integral part of the individualized treatment program. Alcohol rehab can also be fun as excursions are held weekly.

Getting into KAYA

Call +63 939 932 5292 or simply use our contact form to talk to one of our counselors. Feel free to ask about our Open Enrollment Program that makes treatment more affordable and accessible to everyone.