We at KAYA don’t claim that we’re the best.
We let our clients do that for us.

“My life has been moving forward to a beautiful place and all that started with my decision to get help, and KAYA provided the foundation for it to be a reality.”

I have been graduated from KAYA Rehab for about 5 months now and I want to say I couldn’t have remained this healthy if not for the time spent in Baguio with your team. For me, as an American, my options for an inpatient rehab were exorbitant and the rehabs I interviewed were obstinate and lacking common sense. For example, none in my area of the south would allow phone or internet access for any reasonable measure of time. Therefore, attending those programs I would have gone into serious debt, lost my job because I wouldn’t have been able to answer emails, write proposals, talk to clients, etc. I don’t see how that philosophy of rock bottom could make a graduate of such an archaic philosophy of treatment not want to drink. Graduated broke, jobless, but not turn to alcohol? Crazy.

Anyway, I am so grateful that KAYA is here. My room was simple, comfortable, private. The staff were incredibly kind and wonderful cooks. We practiced daily both AA 12 steps study, and CBT, analyzing destructive thought processes. Mixing in field trips to the beach, museums, and local sights. There are many resources for self study and reflection in the library as well. They utilize a custom-built 5 step program that required intensive self reflection and honesty. Writing, writing and more writing. “If you want to understand the world, read. If you want to understand yourself, write.” More important than the structure of the program is the staff. I really felt in our follow up meetings and conversations that he takes a lot of time to ponder and think about my specific situation and provided me with feedback and important life lessons that come from a place of experience. As for me I have been completely sober from my problem drinking and haven’t had a drop of alcohol since. My life has been moving forward to a beautiful place and all that started with my decision to get help, and KAYA provided the foundation for it to be a reality. Thank You all at KAYA and please keep in touch.

With love and appreciation, Colin C.


My name is KT. I’m an addict. Much to my desire not to be one, I cannot. So I will not. For the rest of my life, I am and will be an addict. It is the consequence of my vulnerability as a human being. Wrong decisions, wrong choices… Tomorrow, I’ll be out… out of KAYA Rehab. That means I’ll be facing the stigma in the outside world. The world of the so-called “normies”. In other words, I’ll be facing life on life’s terms. I’m not scared… never. In KAYA, I learned how to love genuinely and without hesitation. It is also here that I was encouraged to live life and enjoy laughing with others instead of laughing at others. The gentle ways of EVY showed me how to take care of my recovery before I could take care of other people.

W. A.

Provides you with new gear to face new challenges. Straightforward & flexible approach which helps fight addiction from the inside out. They get the job done.


KAYA gave me a second chance to love myself and my family. In KAYA, I had a spiritual awakening and it taught me that love can conquer addiction. I gained new friends that helped me become who I am now. Thank you KAYA family!


Before we knew about KAYA, almost to a point of giving up, hope and prayers were the only things that kept us going. My husband’s recovery was never possible without their warmth and sincerity. They go out of their way to help you heal not only for the addict but for the family members as well. The peaceful ambiance, cool weather, and the amazing counselors who are like family already immensely helped a lot. Keep on inspiring people and making a mark in their lives. Thank you so much, KAYA family! Thank you, Coach Robert and Maam Evy! KAYA is Home.


We want to help you.