Malaysia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that imposes harsh penalties against drug offenders. But despite of the harsh penalties and capital punishment, the population of illicit drug users continues to increase. Even foreigners get involved with drug use as the country being one of the top tourist destinations in the region. In 2006, there were 22,811 detected drug users, according to UNICEF report. From 2000 to 2008, Malaysian statistics reveals that the age group of 25-34 was among the highest drug users, followed by 35-44, and 18-24, as reported.

With only a few drug rehabilitation centers in Malaysia facing a growing population of drug dependents, it appears that there are less people going into treatment. Another problem with the local rehabs is that most treatment centers provide a one-size-fits-all approach, which makes treatment methods less efficient because of low compliance rate. A better treatment approach should be personalized based on the client’s needs and preferences.

Other Problems Related to Drug Use

Heroin is the most widely used illegal drug in Malaysia. Injection is the popular method of delivery that produces rapid effects on the user. Not only the user is exposed to the danger of overdose and risk for infection, sharing needles increases the chance for contracting HIV and AIDS.

There is also a huge impact on the family if a member happens to be a drug user. When a family member experiences craving, the person might do whatever it takes just to have the money to buy drugs. One could sell their possessions, jewelry, and appliances. Quality time with their children is also compromised. As a result, their children might drop out from school – and poverty becomes a vicious cycle.

Getting Help to Recover from Destructive Drug Habits

Acknowledging that there is a problem with addiction is always the first step. There are a lot of groups and individuals that offer guidance to break free from substance use and addiction. KAYA is a Philippine-based alcohol and drug rehabilitation treatment center that provides evidence-based and proven effective treatment programs. KAYA also has the Open Enrollment Program, which makes treatment more accessible and affordable to allow more clients with varying financial status be on their way to quality care and genuine recovery.