robert labos bravest step

The Bravest Step: Why Seeking Treatment Isn’t a Weakness, It’s Your Strength

The Bravest Step: Why Seeking Treatment Isn’t a Weakness, It’s Your Strength Have you ever stared down a mountain, knowing the climb would be grueling but the view from the top breathtaking? That’s what taking the first step towards recovery from addiction can feel like. It’s daunting, uncertain, and requires immense courage. in KAYA, we…

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a quote of relapse recovery on a photo of holding hands

Understanding Relapse: A Hurdle, Not a Halt, on the Road to Recovery

Understanding Relapse: A Hurdle, Not a Halt, on the Road to Recovery At KAYA Rehab, we understand addiction is a complex disease, and relapse is a common occurrence. Statistics show 40-60% of individuals relapse within 30 days of leaving treatment, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Addiction expert Terence Gorski emphasizes, “Relapse is…

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