Empowerment and Healing: Women’s Mental Health and Sobriety

Empowerment and Healing: Women’s Mental Health and Sobriety March, celebrated globally as Women’s Month, is a time to reflect on the progress made towards gender equality and women’s mental health to honor the contributions of women to society. It is also an opportune moment to shed light on the unique challenges women face in the…

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Press Conference at KAYA and Signing of MOA with the Government of Itogon

Indeed, KAYA is amongst Asia’s finest and most trusted alcohol and drug addiction treatment centers. Just recently, KAYA team had a press conference with various media outlets as the signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between KAYA and the municipal government of Itogon took place. KAYA hopes to reach out to the surrenderees following the…

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philippine daily inquirer

KAYA Got Featured on the Philippine Daily Inquirer

On the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s Sunday Lifestyle section (August 7, 2016), an article titled “Do A-List users shrug off Duterte’s drug war?” featured KAYA.   [thumbnail target=”_self” src=”https://kayarehab.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1.jpg”]   Here’s the continuation:   [thumbnail target=”_self” src=”https://kayarehab.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2.jpg”]   The online version of the article can be read here: http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/234682/do-a-list-users-shrug-off-dutertes-drug-war

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KAYA’s New Home at Muling Ligaya (New Found Happiness)

Overview of Addiction Treatment at KAYA

Detoxification. Detoxification depends on what type of drug the client used. Confinement to a detox institution for a number of days or weeks may be required not only to remove the dangerous substance from the client’s body but also to prepare them physically and mentally for the treatment. During the course of detox, the physician…

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Having Fun in Recovery: A Trip to Tam-Awan Village Garden in the Sky in Baguio City

Having Fun in Recovery: A Trip to Tam-Awan Village Garden in the Sky in Baguio City

Fun is an integral part of KAYA’s treatment program aims to promote relaxation and avoiding triggers that might lead to relapse. It is likewise to bring out the natural feeling of bliss by allowing our clients see, experience and learn new things. Aside from prevention, treatment and recovery from addiction, KAYA Asia is also an…

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Gambling Addiction Problems in Thailand

Gambling Addiction Problems in Thailand

Gambling addiction or problem gambling is described as the compulsive desire to engage in gambling despite harmful consequences or desire to quit. Just like addiction to drugs and alcohol, gambling addiction is the failure to stop the habit because a win results to trigger the reward system in the brain. Developing addiction to gambling doesn’t…

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Alcoholism Problem in Australia

Alcoholism Problem in Australia

Alcoholism has been a serious problem in Australia, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. Alcohol-related damages in Victoria alone costs $4.3 billion a year. Such damages include road accidents, crimes, and health problems, just to name a few. Alcohol-related harm is not limited to drinkers but also affects their families and the community. Domestic violence…

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rehab center in Palau

Gambling Addiction: Definition, Destructive Effects and Treatment

Gambling Addiction Definition Gambling addiction, also popularly known as problem gambling or compulsive gambling, is a gambling behavior that involves an uncontrollable urge to engage in gambling activities that leads to disruption of one’s usual psychological, physical, social and vocational patterns. The compulsive desire for gambling also harmfully affects one’s financial status due to continuous…

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Illicit Drug Use: Heroin Addiction Problems in Malaysia

Illicit Drug Use: Heroin Addiction Problems in Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that imposes harsh penalties against drug offenders. But despite of the harsh penalties and capital punishment, the population of illicit drug users continues to increase. Even foreigners get involved with drug use as the country being one of the top tourist destinations in the region. In…

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Use of Illicit Drugs in Thailand

Use of Illicit Drugs in Thailand

The predominance of yaba, the common street name for methamphetamine, is attributed to its ease in production and widespread distribution in Thailand. “The number of Thais addicted will reach 1.1 million this year”, the head of Thailand’s anti-drug police reports. The number with substance use disorder has increased by about 100,000 annually over the last…

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Choosing the Right Rehab Center – A 5-Question Guide

Choosing the Right Rehab Center – A 5-Question Guide

Acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step why you or your loved one to seek help. There are no shortcuts towards recovery that is why it is important to know the proper treatment program suitable for your needs. There are many types of treatment programs you can choose. Here are five important…

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